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LeetCode Trees
Mar 27, 2022   |   3 min read   |   technical
A package to provide a convenient way to manually input binary trees using LeetCode's level order traversal with None-path-termination serialization format. Also, a function to print binary trees to the terminal as ASCII characters.

Symmetry and Physics
Jan 24, 2021   |   25 min read   |   casual
Many articles on physics nowadays mention symmetry—supersymmetry, symmetry breaking, symmetry groups, gauge symmetries, CPT symmetry. The term is truly everywhere. In fact, Nobel Laureate Phil Anderson once remarked, "it is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry." For the uninitiated, it is not so obvious what symmetry has to do with physics—however, there are many accessible examples of symmetry at work, perfect for getting a feel for its beautiful ties to the physical world.